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Mango & Jicama Salad

mango & jicama salad

mango & jicama salad

This salad seems entirely appropriate coming off the heels of a serious Breaking Bad addiction in this household. Super serious.

Three weeks ago, the hubs innocently suggested we start watching it, probably thinking we’d be able to continue on with life as usual afterward. Oh no.

In that time, we blew threw all 4 seasons with pretty much every free moment we had. We. Could. Not. Stop.

Don’t worry – I do see the irony here. Hopelessly addicted to a show about drugs – lol.

mango & jicama salad

Thankfully, this lead to a much healthier addiction: mango & jicama salad.

lime, mango & jicama

Let’s play out a scenario: you have no time to cook – duh – there’s more Breaking Bad to watch. It’s 89 degrees in your house, so you need something light and refreshing. You could probably also use some fruit in your life since the whole not cooking thing has lead to lots of takeout food and a lack of grocery shopping.

So… if you run to the store in the afternoon while hubs is still at work, you can whip this up and have the next episode queued up on the TV by the time he gets home. Genius!


No joke – that was the thought process.

Then, since I had chowed down near half of it by the time he did get home, I thought, “No worries – I’ll add the rest of that leftover chicken breast and make it a meal!” The genius is multiplying!

My brain chose to skip over the part where Josh is weirded out by meat and fruit together. And bread and fruit. There are some oddities surrounding fruit.

Leftover pizza for him – the rest of that salad for me!

mango & jicama salad

This salad is beyond simple to make and packs a lot of flavor. Mango and jicama – two things that are perfectly tasty on their own – are given an extra punch of flavor from lime juice, fresh ginger, ground chile pepper and cilantro.

Eat it as is, or – if you wouldn’t freak out anyone you love – add some shrimp or chicken for a more well rounded meal.


Mango & Jicama Salad

Try to get the least ripe mangoes you can find for this recipe.




  • 2 large unripe mangoes, peeled & sliced into matchsticks
  • 1/2 jicama, peeled & sliced into matchsticks
  • 2 medium carrots, peeled & shaved into strips with a vegetable peeler
  • 1-2 limes, juiced
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
  • pinch kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground chile pepper
  • 1/2 cup chopped cilantro
  • 1/3 cup chopped peanuts


  1. In a large bowl, combine the mangoes, jicama, and carrots. Add the juice of 1 lime, honey, ginger, ground chile pepper, and salt; stir well to combine. Taste for seasoning, adding more lime or salt if necessary. Add the cilantro and peanuts, stir and serve.

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