Bacon Basil Cornbread Muffins

This started off with such an innocent thought: I haven’t had cornbread in a while… but i am thinking about making Bacon Basil Cornbread Muffins today From there my mind wandered to the mound of fresh corn in my fridge. Well I should definitely add some of that. But I can’t JUST add corn. What else… […]
Bacon Jam Roasted Chicken and Vegetables

Sometimes you make something once and know that you’ll never try any other version of it; it’s just too perfect to stray from. Bacon Jam Roasted Chicken and Vegetables is one of the good recipe which people dont make often. Ina Garten’s chicken stock comes to mind. Sure I’ve made variations on it, but this is my […]
Baked Potato with Sautéed Arugula

You know that point when you’re about to go out of town and trying to whittle down the produce in the house? And then you end up with a potato and a handful of arugula and think, well I guess I’ll try to make a meal out of this… and term it as delicious Baked Potato […]
bourbon pecan pumpkin cheesecake

This recipe of scrumptious bourbon pecan pumpkin cheesecake has been in the works for a loooong time. I had to make sure it was just right for you guys! So over the course of a couple of years, I’ve been enduring the difficult task of making (and eating) this cheesecake. It’s been rough. I can’t […]
Cacao Nib Caramels

As soon as I poured this caramel hotness into its cooling vessel, I could only think one thing: “I’ve made a huge mistake.” (Props to my fellow Arrested Development fans) Not that I messed up the recipe or anything, I just knew I was on track to eat way too many of these caramels. The […]
Charred Corn Salad

Let’s consider this step one of incorporating real food back into my diet. A week of awesome vacationing/eating in San Diego was directly followed by a week of sickness/sleeping, during which the most solid food I ate was an antibiotic. Yesterday I was able to stand up long enough to leave the house, so I […]
Cheesy Lemon Thyme Popcorn

Oh popcorn. What a long and tumultuous relationship we’ve had. Cheesy Lemon Thyme Popcorn are one of my favorite type to have 2-3 times each month. There was, of course, the early childhood stage: occasionally that unmistakable smell and sound of kernels popping on the stove would fill the house and I knew a special […]
Chicken Tortilla Soup

Excuse me while I go into total Oprah-voice-mode: IIIIT’S SOOOUUUUUP SEEEAAAAASSSOOOONNNNN!!! I know I’ve expressed my soup love before, but guess what: can’t stop, won’t stop. I mean, come on! It’s everything you need in one bowl! So let’s put on some funky socks, then some slippers, and get to stirring a pot full of hearty fall yumminess. […]
Cranberry Ginger Relish

Oh, heeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy guys! So I haven’t touched this blog of mine in over a month, AND I’m bringing you cranberry relish after Thanksgiving. I’m super on top of things. No worries. During that month I packed up all of our crap, moved to a new city (again), unpacked said crap, hosted Thanksgiving, and then galavanted around San Francisco […]
Kentucky Mules drink

It’s Friday night before The Big Game, and I’m willing to bet that if you’re even half as OCD as I am about menu planning, you’ve got your food all figured out. Kentucky Mules drink is great to try out with buddies. Well here’s something you may have overlooked: a signature cocktail. I’ve brought up […]
Open-Faced Egg & Goat Cheese Sandwich

When I get breakfast at a restaurant, I want EVERYTHING. Eggs, potatoes, bacon, french toast/pancakes. All of it. Open-Faced Egg & Goat Cheese Sandwich made with recipe given below is quite tasty for whoever try it for first time. This probably stems from my lack of motivation most mornings to make elaborate breakfasts at home. […]
Pan Seared Cod with Rainbow Chard

I have some partially completed projects floating around right now: An advertisement that’s finished in my mind, but not on my computer screen. A pile of merely thumbed through magazines sitting next to the new ones that won’t stop arriving. A stack of manuals for a new camera that I made a weak attempt at starting. […]
Pan Seared Salmon with Pomegranate Reduction

Here we are at day 2 of my Not A Cleanse Eating Right Fortnight (I just came up with that – pretty good, huh?) and I feel goooood. I went to the grocery store yesterday to stock up on yummy, healthful items like fresh & dried fruit, granola, almond milk, veggies, veggies, and more veggies. I […]
PB&J S’mores

I’m pretty sure this is real. yes the yummy PB&J S’mores are real and easy to make in your own kitchen. I mean – I made it, I photographed it, I ate one three four. The hubby ate some, and promises that they’re real… It just seems too good to be true. Peanut butter & jelly s’mores. And […]
Roasted Fennel, Garlic & White Bean Crostini

It’s party time people. Swanky part time. to enjoy the party to fullest you need some tasty dishes like Roasted Fennel Garlic White Bean Crostini made in your kitchen. We’re talking bow ties, Louboutins, diamonds – the works. Pinkies up. At least this is where my mind wanders to when I hear words like “crostini” […]
spicy guacamole recipe

This is a recipe that really makes me miss San Diego. Guacamole used to be a fairly large part of my diet! Between my regular stops at a variety of Mexican restaurants and drive-thrus, and the near constant availability of quality guacamole ingredients, there was always an excuse to indulge in this flavorful dip. spicy […]