{"id":655,"date":"2022-04-20T00:00:00","date_gmt":"2022-04-20T00:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/kitchenetteblog.com\/?p=655"},"modified":"2024-10-22T07:25:59","modified_gmt":"2024-10-22T07:25:59","slug":"chicken-tortilla-soup","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/kitchenetteblog.com\/chicken-tortilla-soup\/","title":{"rendered":"Chicken Tortilla Soup"},"content":{"rendered":"

Excuse me while I go into total Oprah-voice-mode:<\/p>\n





I know I\u2019ve expressed my\u00a0soup\u00a0love<\/a>\u00a0before, but guess what: can\u2019t stop, won\u2019t stop. I mean, come on! It\u2019s everything you need in one bowl!<\/p>\n





So let\u2019s put on some funky socks, then some slippers, and get to stirring a pot full of hearty fall yumminess.<\/p>\n





Chicken Tortilla Soup is an awesome way to kick off the season of simmering pots. Just look at all those toppings! Kind of reminds you of those tacos you were eating all summer, right? It\u2019s familiar, yet new and exciting all at once.<\/p>\n


It all starts with browning some chicken \u2013\u00a0skin-on!<\/em>\u00a0If you\u2019re worried about fat don\u2019t fret, it doesn\u2019t go in the finished soup. (You should still devour it when you\u2019re shredding the chicken up later, but I\u2019ll try to keep my composure if you choose not to.) Nothing adds flavor like some good ol\u2019 chicken skin. Mmmhm.\"spice\"spice<\/p>\n




Next there is some veggie-sweating, spice-blooming, and one delicious smelling kitchen. The chicken finishes in the oven while the rest of the soup comes together! My favorite part though:<\/p>\n



\"crisp\"crispCrisping up tortilla strips! I could fry up and subsequently eat an entire bag of tortillas without batting an eye or feeling an ounce of remorse. They\u2019re just too good. The epitome of crunch!<\/p>\n




Store-bought corn chips will work as well, but they can\u2019t come close to the crunch factor of a freshly fried tortilla strip.<\/p>\n

Once you\u2019re done with all the soup stirring and eating half of the tortilla strips because you can\u2019t help yourself, it\u2019s assembly time! Ladle the soup into bowls and top with as much or as little of the suggested toppings as you\u2019d like. Or come up with some of your own! It\u2019s your soup! Live it up!<\/p>\n


<\/span>CHICKEN\u00a0TORTILLA SOUP RECIPE<\/span><\/span><\/h2>\n







