parsnip is a root vegetable that comes in white color and has structural similarities with carrots and elongated radishes. it originated from Eurasia. people like to consume it in winter months in dishes like soups, stews, coleslaws and other hot dishes to beat the cold with warm recipes.<\/p>\n
it is easy to cook and prepare dishes with parsnips. you an chop it and dice it to make all kinds of recipes with it. people like to roast and bake it also to enjoy with breads like pita bread<\/a>. some people add it stir fries and grilled bbq dishes also. it also taste good when drenched in spice mix with lemon juice after boiling it for few minutes.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n parsnip also has lot of health benefits as it comes packed with antioxidants, vitamin c, vitamin k along with folate which helps to boast our immune system to fight from various body issues and keep your infection free in winter season. it also contains lot of fibers which help to keep our digestive system working fine without issues. it improves heart health too.<\/p>\n if you are unable to find parsnip in market for your recipe or you don\u2019t like its taste and are looking for some substitute then you have come to right place here we will checkout some popular parsnip alternatives which are easy to get and will give your recipes good taste to enjoy with family and friends.<\/p>\n turnips are good alternatives to parsnips due to its sweet taste but it is mild when compared to parsnip so you can season your recipe with some herbs when using turnip. some people find it good to when its stir fried, or roasted while other like to make gravy of boiled turnips to enjoy with breads.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n fresh turnips also has better taste than older ones which sometimes gets little bit bitter in taste. so buy from the fresh lot in when supermarket looking for turnips.<\/p>\n Radishes<\/a> are also good substitute for parsnip. it comes with little bit sweet and pungent taste. they are easy to find in grocery stores and comes cheap.<\/p>\n they come in many forms including long elongated, short bulbs etc. with color scheme ranging from white, red to purple. it has lot of antioxidants and potassium in it making it great for your hearts working and reduces the blood pressure. you may also find nitrates in them which will improve blood flow in the body.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n little bit old kohlrabi can be used as parsnip substitute because once it gets old the taste become little stronger to resemble the parsnip like flavor. you can make use of it in various dishes like soups, stews, vegetable curries etc. to get the best taste in place of parsnip. after boiling the kohlrabi becomes soft so hardness wont be a issue if cooked properly.<\/p>\n It comes with thick outer skin in greenish and purple color but from inside it is pale yellow color having round shape. it comes with 14 grams of fiber, 3 grams of proteins along with 2 grams of carbs in about 100 grams of kohlrabi.<\/p>\n It is useful in reducing heart issues and stroke probability. your digestive health will also improve as its rich in fiber content. your overall body metabolism also improves post consuming kohlrabi. some people have also reported benefits of kohlrabi in eye health. the cataracts issues will get delayed and risk of macular degeneration in eyes will also reduce.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n arracacha<\/a> is also know as Peruvian parsnip and is popular root crop in south American region. in rest of the place it may be little difficult to find but it is good alternative due to its taste resemblance to parsnips.<\/p>\n people use it in many recipes like as mashed filling for gnocchi\u2019s and pies, in soups, mix veg curries etc. you can also fry or roast marinated arracacha on grill to get good tasty arracacha to enjoy with some sauces or dips.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n<\/p>\n
<\/span>Parsnip substitutes and alternatives<\/span><\/h2>\n