Tapioca flour, also known as starch, is a gluten-free flour made from the starch in the cassava root. The starchy nature tapioca is used primarily as a thickener to soups made with quality cooker, stews, sauces, fillers in baked goods, and stabilizers for meat patties. Cost-wise, tapioca is more affordable than other flour. when you are lacking useful tapioca flour in your pantry then you can try Substitute For Tapioca Flour shared below to make scrumptious dishes easily.
For nutrition, tapioca flour is starchy. Therefore, it is a rich source of carbs but has very little fiber. Tapioca flour isn’t a rich source of protein and fat, either.
Alternative and Substitutes For Tapioca Flour
There will be times in the kitchen where you realize that you’re out of certain ingredients. For example, your tapioca flour canister is almost empty. There’s some exceptional food to cook which requires tapioca, and there are times when you’re not sure which ingredient to substitute for it.
Below, we have provided a list of substitutes that can work well in place of tapioca flour.
All-purpose flour
All-purpose flour (APF) is made from wheat grain, where the brown coating is removed. The grains go through the process of milling, refining, and bleaching. Flour is the main ingredient in muffins, cakes, bread pancakes, many other recipes, and an excellent thickener for your gravies, sauces like ponzu sauce or fish sauce and its replacements etc., and soups. There will be some differences in appearance and texture if you use all-purpose flour in your food. Tapioca flour gives you a shiny, bright finish to your sauces, gravies, and soups, while all-purpose flour leaves the dish with a matte appearance with dull color.
Additionally, you’ll require cooking the food for a bit longer to get rid of the powdery texture of the flour. You can substitute all-purpose flour for tapioca in a 1:1 ratio for all recipes. Tapioca flour has no flavor and blends quickly. However, all-purpose flour has to cook longer to eliminate the powdery texture when it’s still raw.
Remember that the all-purpose flour is derived from wheat and has gluten. This makes it a poor alternative to tapioca if you’re trying to make your recipe free of gluten. If you’re feeling a bit short and need a substitute, using all-purpose flour is equal to tapioca in most recipes. It could alter the baking goods’ texture a bit, and they’ll have less to chew and maybe a little denser.
If you’re making use of all-purpose flour to serve as an ingredient to thicken your food, keep in mind that it’s got a raw taste that needs to be cooked off. You may have to cook gravies and sauces for a bit longer. The extra cook time will blend the powdery texture of all-purpose flour as it’s heavier than tapioca. Another thing to remember is that if you’re using all-purpose flours, do not anticipate that your dish will have the same glossy appearance as you get from tapioca flour.
The Arrowroot starch is created by removing the roots of the Maranta plant genus located in the tropics. To make arrowroot, the plant’s roots are dried before being crushed in a fine powder that can be used to thicken cooking. It’s flavorless and non-odorous, and, similar to tapioca flour, it can be added to any recipe without altering the taste. Another great thing about Arrowroot powder is the natural way it is. When buying this powder, it is essential to read the labeling on the packaging.
Certain versions of arrowroot starch also add potato starch into the mix. Although potato starch is another beneficial starch, high-quality flours will include an arrowroot starch ingredient listed as the sole ingredient. Certain people prefer arrowroot over cornstarch since it has more fiber. When mixed with water, it also produces clear gel, which is excellent for clear thickening liquids.
It is advised to use twice the arrowroot than cornstarch to achieve the same result. Arrowroot is also gluten-free; therefore, it’s suitable for those who do not eat gluten. Both tapioca starch and arrowroot starch are crucial ingredients for gluten-free cooking, and both are derived from similar plant species, tropical tubers. You can use them to thicken dishes and provide structure to recipes.
They both thicken up effectively; however, there is a significant difference between them: arrowroot remains thick, whether frozen or chilled. Since tapioca starch can’t freeze and thawing and arrowroot, if you are planning to freeze your leftovers, it is recommended to swap tapioca flour in place of arrowroot starch.
If you’re planning to add starch to your recipe to bind ingredients, for instance, in gluten-free products that use tapioca flour. In that case, it will produce superior results. If you’re not using tapioca flour but desire to use arrowroot flour as a binding agent, we suggest mixing it with various gluten-free flours before including it in the recipe.
It is a versatile starch. Arrowroot flour is often used as a thickening agent, and you can use it to make pie fillings, soups, and puddings. Use the powder to sprinkle on your favorite recipe like tofu for a crunchy restaurant-like texture to your dish. Whatever way you choose to use arrowroot flour, it’s sure that you’ll be delighted.
Like tapioca, arrowroot is gluten-free and shares the same characteristics as a thickener. It gives an even and smooth finish without altering the flavor of the food. The benefit of arrowroot starch is its ability to endure acidic conditions without losing its thickening properties. you can also checkout our collection of alternatives for arrowroot powder to make use when you don’t have it in your kitchen
You can substitute using a 1:1 ratio for the majority of recipes. If you believe it’s thicker than you anticipated, reduce the amount of starch you’re going to include in your dish. To make an arrowroot slurry mix it with water before adding it to your dish.
Cornstarch is likely to be something you’ve got in your kitchen. It’s an excellent tapioca substitute for use to thicken your recipe, and it’s sufficient to use only half the amount in place of tapioca flour that you’re using in the recipe. Also, it’s gluten-free. Corn flour, also known as cornstarch, is a well-known starch used in various kitchens. As with other starches, cornstarch is used extensively to thicken dishes and can help thicken dishes to an ideal texture.
A white powdery material, cornstarch isn’t only for culinary use but also household tasks like soap making. Cornstarch can prevent caking and is used in packaged products such as shredded cheese. Furthermore, you can use cornstarch to make simple sugars, such as corn syrup.
Are you wondering how cornstarch compares against tapioca flour? It’s surprising to find that they’re very similar. The primary difference between tapioca flour and cornstarch lies in sourcing them. As you may have assumed, cornstarch comes from corn, while tapioca flour is derived from the plant’s root called cassava. The plant that produces cassava can be described as a tropical tuber. Tapioca flour structurally shares more similarities with other starches such as potato starch and arrowroot flour than cornstarch.
Despite the differences, both tapioca and cornstarch flour effectively thickens liquids. If you’re replacing tapioca starch with cornstarch as a thickening agent for the recipe, it’s good to know that it can work. In general, when a recipe calls for tapioca flour, it is suggested to add this starch after the recipe to keep the starch’s molecules in the process of breaking them down. However, cornstarch, on the contrary side, can stand up to high temperatures and can be used as a first ingredient in the recipe.
Another thing to consider when switching tapioca flour with cornstarch is how the product will appear. Tapioca flour typically produces a glossy effect; however, cornstarch gives a more matte-like finish. In most recipes, you can use both starches to make a mixture. People commonly use cornstarch as a thickener in marinades, sauces, gravies and soups, glazes, pie crusts, casseroles, and desserts. If you intend to use it, make sure to measure less than half the amount of ingredients’ tapioca. For instance, if a recipe requires two teaspoons of tapioca, use just one teaspoon of cornstarch.
Rice flour
Rice flour is a fine powder made of finely milled rice, commonly used in Asian cultures as a component in desserts, rice noodles, or soups. Naturally gluten-free, this flour is well-liked by those who have problems with gluten as a replacement for wheat flour. Rice flour also functions as a thickener in dishes and is an excellent alternative to cornstarch. It’s also colorless when combined with water, particularly useful for clear thickening liquids.
You can use twice as much rice flour cornstarch to achieve the same effect as wheat flour. You can mix it with cold or hot water to create an emulsion, or the form of a roux, an amalgamation of fat and flour. When heated, the flour becomes highly sticky and is typically used to connect, moisten and sweeten the gluten-free ingredients of baked products. The high amount of starch in rice flour aids the protein in flour to bind together, mimicking the flexibility of gluten.
Although substituting glutinous rice flour for tapioca starch may not be ideal, it can provide the same sticky and chewy consistency. It is important to remember the fact that sugary rice is raw flour. If you are using this type of flour, it has to be cooked thoroughly before eating and should not be eaten raw.
It’s a bit more dense and sticky when compared to tapioca; therefore, you should use 50% less rice flour than the amount of tapioca flour you’re using in your recipe. When baking with it, you’ll need to compensate with different flour. It is necessary to make adjustments to ensure that you don’t overload your dish with too much. Therefore, when your recipe requires two tablespoons of tapioca, use one teaspoon of rice flour in place.

Cassava Flour
Although tapioca flour and cassava flour are extracted from the same tree, both provide many advantages. Cassava flour, made from the whole cassava root, is dried, then ground to create gluten-free flour used in many of our baked products. Since it is made of the entire root, cassava flour is richer in fiber than tapioca starch.
Cassava flour is frequently regarded as the most similar gluten-free flour to wheat. While the flour from cassava has an astringent flavor, it has a distinct flavor that distinguishes it from other starches in this list.
Cassava flour is typically used instead of tapioca starch or tapioca flour. It helps give an even texture to baked goods and serves as a thickener for stews and soups. Although they are both derived from the same source, tapioca flour and cassava flour are distinct: Cassava flour comes from the entire root of the cassava (tapioca flour is derived directly from the pulp). Cassava flour is richer in fiber, which means you do not need to combine the two with any other thickening agents.
Replace tapioca flour by using cassava flour using a 1:1 proportion; however, leave out or cut back on any other thickeners, such as other gums or flours. While it’s not a strong taste, the flavor of cassava flour can possess a slightly nutty taste, while tapioca flour has no flavor.
Tapioca flour undergoes additional processing, removing only starch in the cassava and leaving the remainder of the roots. This can be done by greasing and washing the root to create starchy water. The water is then allowed to evaporate and leave a clear starchy residue known as tapioca. Tapioca does not impart flavor to food or baked food, but it is used primarily as an ingredient to thicken the food.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have the possibility of using tapioca flour to bake?
Tapioca flour works excellent when baking, and particularly when it comes to gluten-free products. Adding just the proper amount of tapioca to baked items can create an airy, crisp, and chewy, and spongy feel.
Does tapioca starch cause food to become crisp?
You can use tapioca flour well for cooking food, and it is an excellent coating for fish, meat, or any other food items before the frying process begins. This can help create a crisp crust or the outer layer when frying.
What is the difference between tapioca flour and tapioca starch?
In the end, there is no distinction between tapioca flour and tapioca starch. The label on the packaging is based on the producer’s choice, but the actual product is the same. Tapioca flour/starch is an excellent adhesive and thickening agent that can be used for baking products, making soups, cooking them, or even making bubble tea.